Seafarer Baking Company
Product label and package design for a limited edition production of turrón, designed and illustrated by Tracy Sabin. Bridget Sabin is the "executive chef" of Seafarer Baking Company.

Christian traditions are the central focus of the Christmas holidays in Spain. There is no Santa Claus. Instead, the Three Wise Men (Los Reyes Magos) deliver presents to children on the Feast of Epiphany (celebration of the visitation of the three kings) on January 6. The previous day, the Reyes Magos will have riden on parade floats or even real camels and thrown sweets to the crowd.

The primary home decoration is not a tree but a model of Bethlehem depicting the nativity called the Portal de Belén.

Christmas day is celebrated with a lavish holiday dinner, followed late in the evening by a visit to the local church for Midnight Mass. This special Mass is called la Misa del Gallo (the Mass of the Rooster) so named because a rooster, so the story goes, crowed in the evening when Jesus was born.